Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Monday, October 25, 2010

Silly Mom!

I'm done with this now I want to play with my bat! Every dog should have a well trained mom!

Glad mom found all my squeaky balls I had to make do with a piece of bark to play with!!

Mom what were you thinking when you put this in the paper container??

Good thing I have these big paws to hold it down so I can tear it apart!

Once you get it torn off you have to spit it out!

There were still a couple pieces of kibble in there mom!!

Don't worry I have mom trained she will pick up all the mess when I am finished!

Hi Everyone,

Well it's warm here today and I got to play in the timber! Mom found all 5 of my balls under the china hutch~ Now when they go missing she will know where to look!!! The other day I had to just wing it and I picked up a piece of bark! It worked but I really like my balls better! My favorites are the one that squeak! Then I don't know what mom was thinking when she put my food bag in the paper!!! I helped myself and got it out and even found a few kernels of kibble. Thank goodness for my big paws to help hold it down while I shred it! Mom and tell me that I am a great paper shredder! Just when I think I'm really getting mom trained look what she does! I will keep working on it! I turned 11 months old on Sat. and mom told me that next month I will get a birthday party when I am 1! Hope that means treats~~~~~Oh yea! Mom got me some peanut butter cookies when we went to get my food and more shampoo the other day! Hope that you are all having a great day! Mom tells me we have to enjoy the weather today because we have high wind warnings out for here tomorrow and Wed. Just think if it got under my ears just right I could fly and catch those geese I'm always barking at! Put your best paw forward and wag it if you've got it! Mr. H:)

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