Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Abby was here to save day.....

Hey Bro!!

I'm so upset with my mom, it's unreal!!  I think we need to talk with the firedogs, they seem to have their mom under pawtrol.  I'm wondering if HB Patrol isn't strong enough.....perhaps we need a network of pawtrols.  "evil hmmm" 

Anways....i hope this font works for you, if you need it tweeked let me know.

Until Next Time....High Paw Five

1 comment:

Mr. H said...

Hey Sis, You are awesome!!! I think this is GREAT! I really think you are on to something with consulting the Firedogs on mom pawtrol. Some days I really think I have the upper paw and then it all goes south! Our moms are pretty good but I think they could use a little tweeking! Glad your mom found her battery and charger. I think you hid it so she would know just how you feel about her finding and taking the treats you hide for later:) You are a smart girl, now lets see if your mom learned anything. We will sit back and watch! It was pretty boring around here today, windy and cold. Mom went shopping and didn't take us with her can you believe that? She has a LOT of stuff to make Christmas candy, lets see how much we get! Talk to you soon sis, I think we have some serious planning we need to get done ASAP! LOL Mr. H:)