Merry Christmas from our house! |
Mr. H Reports from the Road
This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)
Mr. H
Mr. H

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
We Have Christmas Lights Up:)
Hi Everyone,
It was nice out today and we got to go outside and play ball with mom twice! She has a little video of us playing on her facebook page but she doesn't know how to get it on here? Are you listening Auntie Angie & Abby? Mom is so funny, I can't believe she really thinks that I would sit when she tells me to:) I have my mom VERY well trained and I must say that I am quite happy about that! Tonight she took a picture of our house with the lights we have outside and you can see our pretty Christmas tree in the window! We don't have near as many lights as Abby has at her house, but maybe one day we will just have to see. It's better than last year, we didn't have any lights outside:) I checked and mom has made 24 posts this month. That is much better as well. Let's see if she can make 31 posts in December. I will be counting. How about you sis? Let's see if your mom can do that as well:) OK Moms we are watching and we are counting!! Keep putting your best paw forward and have a wonderful holiday season! Mr. H:)
We Had A Beautiful Sunrise:)
Hi Everyone,
Mom is trying to make me a happy puppy and get the posts on my blog up there where they should be! This morning we had a really pretty sunrise at our house! And then we got to play ball with mom outside twice today! I gave Abby a call on the pawphone, the video mom made is up on facebook and she isn't sure about how to get it here for those of you not on facebook! I was having a good time and Auntie Angie said I made her dizzy watching mom go around in circles tee hee:):) I LOVE my Auntie Angie!! She does NOT believe my mom when she tells her that I am a naughty boy:) Do I ever have her wrapped around my big paw:) Just the way I like it! And I have my mom VERY WELL trained, what more could a puppy want? Go out there and keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
You can see the lake better in the winter when there isn't any leaves on the trees:) |
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
And Then Mom Puts A Doggie Toy In The Tree For Us To Take Off:)
Hi Everyone,
How about this mom is updating my blog twice today:) She got us each a new doggie toy today and I put mine up on a lower branch of the Christmas tree and she didn't have her camera so she set us up to get the pics she wanted. Kinda like Auntie Angie setting Abby up to dive under the tree! Mom says she has the cutest little doggie butt sticking out from under the Christmas tree:) And mom DOES LOVE Miss Abby Dabby Do! (That is for Auntie Angie). You know I'm always telling you that my mom is crazy? Well you won't believe what she was doing yesterday! Now remember we live in Wisconsin and it's almost December and mom was out mowing the yard and chopping up the leaves and corn husks that had blown in the yard again! She had a pile of leaves she started sweeping up and she put those in the firepit and burned them, but the rest of it got mowed! Good thing she did that yesterday, we had 15-30 mph winds today and everything just blew right on across the yard! It's looking really good again! Thanks Mom! Now if we would only get some snow to play in:):) Ok have a good night and put your best paw forward! None of us want to end up on Santa's Naughty list! Mr. H:)
I didn't make this picture easy for mom, I was too quick for her to get the picture with me in it about 3 times:) |
Sweet Little Bee:) |
I Was A Naughty Boy:)
Hi Everyone,
Can you believe my mom said I was naughty again! I know that my Auntie Angie does NOT believe that I can be a naughty boy:) I am just a boy and I do things that boys do:) Yesterday I got a hold of a ornament that mom was going to paint and put on the tree. It was to good to pass up and I HAD to chew on it! Mom is still going to paint it and put it on the tree with all the chew marks. She said it will give it more character and mean more years down the road when I get older. At least I am a good boy and leave the Christmas tree alone! Have fun everyone and all my doggie friends keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H)
Mom you let me have it back just to take pictures? |
It's really fun to chew! |
I am just giving it character! |
Mine is the chewed one. Mom will take pictures when she gets them painted:) |
Monday, November 28, 2011
Abby Saved The Day:)
Hey Sis,
Thanks for your help with my blog! My mom tries but she's not as good as you are!! Does anyone see what Abby changed when she was in here helping out? It took my mom a minute to figure it out and she was looking right at it! What would we do without our pawphones when we need something from each other? You have fun today since your mom will still be home. Hey your house is looking really GREAT for Christmas:) My mom is saying that I need a bath, so I'll let you know how that goes! Call me anytime and thanks for your help! LOL Mr. H:)
Always there to help you out bro! |
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Abby was here to save day.....
Hey Bro!!
I'm so upset with my mom, it's unreal!! I think we need to talk with the firedogs, they seem to have their mom under pawtrol. I'm wondering if HB Patrol isn't strong enough.....perhaps we need a network of pawtrols. "evil hmmm"
Anways....i hope this font works for you, if you need it tweeked let me know.
Until Next Time....High Paw Five
I'm so upset with my mom, it's unreal!! I think we need to talk with the firedogs, they seem to have their mom under pawtrol. I'm wondering if HB Patrol isn't strong enough.....perhaps we need a network of pawtrols. "evil hmmm"
Anways....i hope this font works for you, if you need it tweeked let me know.
Until Next Time....High Paw Five
Mom Put Up The Christmas Tree!
This is what I think of putting up the tree and yes mom did have to walk around me while she decorated!
Abby you should take notes here this will get you lots of points with your mom. You are NOT supposed to mess with the oranaments!! They could hurt you and Please don't do that to your mom! Just be a good girl and trust me you will really cash in!
It's starting to look like Christmas at our house and I think that is great so long as there are presents for us under there to! Mom says she won't put any kind of treats under the tree because she knows that we would just tear open those packages:) I like the tree I think it's really pretty and I know it will come down in a month. Mom wants to put up some lights and decorations outdoors to, that will be ok. Yesterday it rained all day and today it has cooled off and is really windy! Our nice yard is a mess with leaves again and I hope that mom can get that all cleaned up before it snows! I will keep you posted on how the Christmas decorating is going and we all hope that you have a wonderful holiday season! You all know that you should always put your best paw forward, but right now it's even more important so Santa can see what good doggies we all are and we will get more presents! I overheard mom talking with Auntie Angie that we might go and have our picture taken with Santa, I better get the list of what I want ready:) Mr. H:)
I Got A Birthday Present From The Firedogs!
Hi Everyone,
When we got home I had a package in the mail from the Firedogs! It was a birthday card and present! And you know mom just realized that we never did get any pictures with the birthday hats on! To late now you have to wait till next year mom! Thank you very much to Jasper, Brinkley, Matty and Sparky. I hear that Sparky is the one out of the four that likes to get in trouble! Sparky I have to tell you I can relate sometimes we just HAVE to follow our noses! I think you guys are all GREAT and can't wait till we can work out a visit again! Have fun and be good when your mom puts up your Christmas tree! Mom tells me how happy she is that I don't feel the need to water our tree or mess with any of the ornaments! Lots of Love! Mr. H:)
This is for me mom? I will share! |
Oh boy looks like fun! |
Auntie Marsha you are so smart! You know what we like! |
New balls and a tug toy! |
My favorite! |
And a new squeaky toy too, cool! |
This is mine right now I am sharing the balls! |
Ok I will just ignore him and when he puts it down I will get it then! |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Mom And Auntie Angie Were Skyping!
Hi Everyone,
Auntie Angie was just teasing me on Skype, she kept saying nummy, nummy, nummy! And there weren't any nummies! That is just wrong!!! Wait till I see her again:) She was showing mom her Christmas tree and I hear that Abby was being a bad girl and knocking the bulbs off the tree Abby a bad girl:) Now my mom is going to start putting up our tree and she has told me there will be a full report on how good or bad I am! I sure do have my Aunt in total pawtrol and thinking that my mom is just telling stories when she says I am a bad boy! I should have an update tomorrow with pictures of how the decorating is going. I hope you all have a good night and keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Auntie Angie was just teasing me on Skype, she kept saying nummy, nummy, nummy! And there weren't any nummies! That is just wrong!!! Wait till I see her again:) She was showing mom her Christmas tree and I hear that Abby was being a bad girl and knocking the bulbs off the tree
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Hi Everyone,
We hope that all of you are where you want to be today and enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with those you love! We're in Greencastle, PA and mom and dad went to have dinner with friends without us! But mom has turkey with her and we will get some:) Mom has to use an old picture, can you believe she killed another camera??? This time she dropped it out the dually door and it has a cracked screen. The last 2 she has drowned:):) She was at Wal Mart and a camera like she has is only $99 now, but she wants to wait till we get back home to get it! Abby what am I going to do with my mom!!!! I know you can help me! And can you believe that bull your mom is telling you that my mom doesn't love you? You know better than that! I have to tell you that I have your mom buffaloed about what a good boy I am tee hee! Life is good since we have both of them under our pawtrol!!! Hope we can see you again soon sis! To everyone out there be safe in all of your holiday travels! Puppies keep putting your best paw forward our moms and dads are soooooooooo proud of all of us! Mr. H:)
This is the picture of a Happy Puppy! |
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dog Life Is Really Tough~
Hi Everyone,
Well mom has our space put together for us to relax and enjoy the ride! It has been really nice in GA, but is raining in TN tonight! We got really wet and we have to get wet at least once more tonight! Mom talked to Auntie Angie and she said that yes I definitely have her under my pawtrol:) I just have a way with the girls!! Have I ever got her buffaloed about me always being a good boy. She thinks that mom is just telling stories about me being naughty and all I had to do was be good at our visit to Abby's house! Mom is telling me that tomorrow is special and I will be 2 years old. She told Mrs. B that 2 years ago she was having babies. I have to say Happy Birthday to Gabby, Tucker and my mom is bad and can't remember my other brother or sister! Please help her out with that someone who knows!! Put your best paw forward and have a doggie treat for me! Mr. H:)
Mom we were sleeping here! |
That's better! |
How can that be comfortable? |
Mom says I have a lion nose! |
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thank You Auntie Angie!
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick post to say thank you to my Auntie Angie for updating the song on my blog!!! I have to tell you she is in my corner:):) Big doggie smile and huge doggie She thinks that my mom is just making up stories that I am a bad boy! I was so good at her house and have her totally under my pawtrol:) And hey aren't all kids good for their aunts and bad for their moms, sometimes? My told me that I will be 2 on Wed. and she forgot our birthday hats at home, but if she can she will buy some for pictures. She did remember to bring some blueberry, banana biscotti treats for us that day:) There will be pictures later on! We hope that all of you have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for! Keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Just a quick post to say thank you to my Auntie Angie for updating the song on my blog!!! I have to tell you she is in my corner:):) Big doggie smile and huge doggie
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
HB Patrol Is At Abby's House!
Hi Everyone,
Mom is NOT in trouble, she did not jinx our visit with Abby! We are here and having LOTS of fun! Aunt Angie has lots of banana, blueberry biscotti and they are our favorites! We are working on our Firedog pose! Mom and Aunt Angie are having fun! Sitting on the couch and they both have the same computers! We are going to have a puppy conference and discuss our moms! You know that we both have problems with our moms! Go out there and put your best paw forward and we will update you one the rest of our visit! Mr. H:)
Mom is NOT in trouble, she did not jinx our visit with Abby! We are here and having LOTS of fun! Aunt Angie has lots of banana, blueberry biscotti and they are our favorites! We are working on our Firedog pose! Mom and Aunt Angie are having fun! Sitting on the couch and they both have the same computers! We are going to have a puppy conference and discuss our moms! You know that we both have problems with our moms! Go out there and put your best paw forward and we will update you one the rest of our visit! Mr. H:)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It's Such A Dog's Life Being On The Road!
Hi Everyone,
Well mom forgot the power cord for her computer when we left and she didn't get a new one till last night! We got a lot of rest on our trip to NJ. I am proud to report that we have mom soooo well trained! Not sure what we are doing yet, but if Boomer's mom and dad would have been home, mom was going to try to visit, we aren't very far from where they live! Would have like to seen Molly & Rusty too, but we are a lot farther from their house! Mom is even talking about a visit with Abby if we can work it out on the way home! She shouldn't say anything and jinx it, if she does, I will Have to give her a BIG paw slap and have Abby help me out long distance! Hopefully we will have plans made soon! Mom promises to share some of the pictures she got today! She was really excited about where we are and all the really nice people she got to talk to today for her next story in 10-4 Magazine:) Until next time go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Mom have you forgotten to do something? |
Mom makes a really nice pillow:) |
Mrs. B is dreaming of blueberry banana biscotti treats, look at her licking her chops! |
I'm bored mom! |
I've got an itch! |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
It Snowed:)
Hi Everyone,
Well first of all we want to tell everyone that we are happy to hear that Aunt Angie is ok after avoiding hitting the deer this morning and hitting a pole! She said it was so rude the deer didn't even come back to see if she was ok! Abby is on the job taking care of her mom and has promised to keep us updated! Today it was our turn to play in the snow. But the wind was blowing so hard it wasn't much fun! And now it's almost all melted. Mom told us not to worry that it will snow again! Everyone be careful out there and as always put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Well first of all we want to tell everyone that we are happy to hear that Aunt Angie is ok after avoiding hitting the deer this morning and hitting a pole! She said it was so rude the deer didn't even come back to see if she was ok! Abby is on the job taking care of her mom and has promised to keep us updated! Today it was our turn to play in the snow. But the wind was blowing so hard it wasn't much fun! And now it's almost all melted. Mom told us not to worry that it will snow again! Everyone be careful out there and as always put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
We remember this stuff! |
Mom there is a good smell right here! And no bath!! |
The wind is really blowing! |
Mom thinks I look so cute in this picture! |
Mom took down the hanging baskets and got out the winter decorations. |
Mom says this is us coming and going:) |
This would be more fun if the wind wasn't so strong! |
Poor Mrs. B's little ear1 |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
WE Got In Trouble Today!
Hi Everyone,
Mom promised to try to update my blog every day and she's doing pretty good. No pictures tonight. But mom and dad went away for just a little while today and when they got back........ I was at the door like a good little boy and Mrs. B was up in the kitchen. Dad said she must have been getting a drink, but when mom got to the kitchen she saw that was not the case at all! The garbage was dumped over and we had been having a good time! It was the first time we ever had done that and mom was mad at both of us! I have to tell you that I was going tee hee:) Mrs. B never gets in trouble! That was how our day went and then we got to ride with mom while she was running errands and we did end up getting a new bag of dog food and Mom cashed my birthday coupons in at Pets Mart for some blueberry doggie treats, new squeaky balls and she could have forgot the doggie shampoo! They are saying that we might get 1-5 inches of snow tonight! Now that would be fun! I'll let you know tomorrow! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Mom promised to try to update my blog every day and she's doing pretty good. No pictures tonight. But mom and dad went away for just a little while today and when they got back........ I was at the door like a good little boy and Mrs. B was up in the kitchen. Dad said she must have been getting a drink, but when mom got to the kitchen she saw that was not the case at all! The garbage was dumped over and we had been having a good time! It was the first time we ever had done that and mom was mad at both of us! I have to tell you that I was going tee hee:) Mrs. B never gets in trouble! That was how our day went and then we got to ride with mom while she was running errands and we did end up getting a new bag of dog food and Mom cashed my birthday coupons in at Pets Mart for some blueberry doggie treats, new squeaky balls and she could have forgot the doggie shampoo! They are saying that we might get 1-5 inches of snow tonight! Now that would be fun! I'll let you know tomorrow! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I Got In Trouble:)
Hi Everyone,
Well today it was pretty nice out here at home and mom got all the lawn things put away for the season! She let us outside when she was working and I ran back in the timber and rolled in my favorite stinky stuff again! I didn't get an entire bath this time only where the good smell was on my back! Mom found we had a late blooming flower:) Mom says she wishes that she was putting everything out instead of putting it away! Hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are! Go out there and put your best paw forward! And go to Abby's blog and check out her walk in the park video! I'm telling you that High Paw Five Productions will be famous one day! Mr. H:)
Well today it was pretty nice out here at home and mom got all the lawn things put away for the season! She let us outside when she was working and I ran back in the timber and rolled in my favorite stinky stuff again! I didn't get an entire bath this time only where the good smell was on my back! Mom found we had a late blooming flower:) Mom says she wishes that she was putting everything out instead of putting it away! Hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are! Go out there and put your best paw forward! And go to Abby's blog and check out her walk in the park video! I'm telling you that High Paw Five Productions will be famous one day! Mr. H:)
Can you believe we have some late blooming flowers:) |
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Miss Abby Dabby Do!
Hi Everyone,
Can you believe it mom is updating my blog for the third time today! Now this is more like it! Aunt Angie called and they got their Ice Road Trucker book to! Mom has told me that she is going to work on getting the great pictures of The Firedogs and Abby with their books to Alex. She is sure that he will really get a kick out of that. Next time she sees Alex she will tell them how much you all like the book:) Have a good night and keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Look at that Aunt Angie dressed Abby to match! |
I will be reading this right away! |
Boy that treat I got to sit here sure was good! |
The Firedogs!
Hi Everyone,
Mom just checked out the Firedogs blog and they got their Ice Road Trucker book that we had Alex Debogorski sign for them! Looks like they like it and mom said she will be sure to get these pictures to Lindsey so she can get them on to Alex. It might be awhile before he sees them but we are sure that he will love them! Mom told him about everybody and he was so impressed! Can you all keep a secret, there are a few more books in the mail and one is going to Gpa Philip and the Mob:) After he's done reading it he can share it with Nanny Janice:) Maybe she will get some pictures for us, I will get mom on that one! Hope you all have a GREAT day and always put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Look it's got our names on it too! Only thing wrong with it, there is no doggie treat smell~~ |
Our mom (the firedogs mom) is so creative we got some "anamail" |
Looks like Brinkley is going to be the reader:) |
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