Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Auntie Angie Rocks!!!!!

Hi Everyone,
This is a test, I am just seeing how many of you are paying attention!
I made a call to my Auntie Angie about changing the song on my blog and check it out she not only put up a song but it's a video as well!! This song is for Valentine's Day. Thank you Auntie Angie I am sending you LOTS of puppy kisses!! I have to tell you that mom went to Wal Mart today and there was no problem getting a 8 x 10 made of Abby & Bella's official portrait. All the guys in the photo department want to meet you!! Have a GREAT night and I hope you get your voice back soon! LOL Mr. H:)

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