Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mom Is Catching UP!

Hi Everyone,
We had a really pretty snow the other day:)
Our timber is all white:)
Mom thought her grass was pretty with the new snow on it:)
The burberry bushes.
They got all done with siding the house. It's looking pretty good!
Yummos new snow to eat!
I love the new snow to mom~
You always tell me I'm a pretty girl~
I am out of here!
I see that Abby & Maggie's mom had the same problem our mom had in updating our blog! I my mom know in no uncertain terms that I am NOT very happy about this problem. Now dad is home and mom usually gets even worse but right now he is taking a nap because the race looks like it's going to be rained out:) OK we had snow the other day and that ALWAYS makes me and Mrs. B happy little doggies. We love to play in the snow and eat the fresh snow Yummos as Auntie Angie says! It was a really pretty snow and very tasty to I might add:) Keep putting your best paw forward! Mr. H:)

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