Hi Everyone,
Boy if you thought Abby was mad at her mom the other day you should see my mom right now! Yesterday she went to the garden center in town and bought some Japanese Beetle spray supposed to kill them on contact and they are still there! She is now on the hunt for whatever will kill them. It does NOT please her that they are eating her ferns and starting on some of her flowers! She knows that she has to attack carefully because our safety is the most important in her mind! She heard a story on the radio the other day about a family in California that put snail bait out in their garden and it killed all 3 of their dogs after they got into it. Mom felt so sorry for the woman it was breaking her heart. They just didn't know how dangerous it was when they put it out. So don't worry mom will be killing responsibly! I have more updates today this is just the first. Mom did take pictures like she promised and will be posting them. We got to get in the sprinkler just a little when we went out to do our business but mom didn't take the camera. It is sooooooooooooo hot and humid here at home so we get to stay inside where it's cool today! Dad is watching the race and mom can work in the office. Abby mom checked and you have no update yet today:) Aunt Angie remember we are watching:):) Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
We tried beetle traps and it worked really well. Just don't put them too close to your plants because it can attract more beetles. Hope this helps!
Our Mom is dealing with the same thing, and she hasn't put anything out yet because of us, she does use alot of garlic powder to keep the rabbits out of her flowers, we try to help her with that part of it, when we see it we chase it out and tell it not to come back but it always does anyway. It may stink but most times it works. You will have to let us know what your mom ends up using to get rid of them. Wishing you a good riddens of those pests.
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