Thank you Uncle Darrell:)
I really am a good boy can I have my treat now?
Uncle Darrell made me work for my treat:)
Pictures mom picked out just for you Uncle Darrell:)
Hi Everyone, Mom talked to our friend Uncle Darrell who I got to meet last year in Ontario, CA and I would like to ask all of you to pray for him and the health issues he is dealing with right now. He has touched many lives in such a positive way and mom wrote her story in the magazine about him a month ago. If you would like to read about Uncle Darrell you can go to and then go to the archived stories and it will be in the May issue under Trucker Talk. We love you Uncle Darrell and pray for you every day! LOL Mr. H
Hey Sis mom can't make the comments work to answer you. We all know that when we all put our puppy paws together in prayer they hold a LOT of power! THANKS LOL Mr. H