This cafe is right across the street from where the World Trade Towers stood. And after 9/11 it became a care center.

I got to talk with the owner of the cafe and he got out this book and showed me a page and told me about a friend that tried to get a helicopter close enough to save people but it was too hot.

The pictures on the walls are all moving!

This is the owner John Costalas and he is standing next to a picture that he can tell you every name and how many people they saved and then didn't make it out themselves.

I can't imagine being there and these streets are so narrow you are too close!

This is a poster that was hanging on the chain link fence showing the work being done.

This is on the side of the Fire Station Number 10 that is right across the street a couple doors down from the cafe.

A piece of one of the trucks that awful day.

I loved what they put on their trucks today "Still Standing"!

It's really personal to these guys!

This is another part of the beautiful mural down the wall of Fire Station Number 10!

This gives you and idea just how narrow the streets are and how close the cafe and fire station were to the towers. This is right across the street from where the towers stood. It's one thing to see it on tv but that is nothing like standing in that spot and talking to the people who were really touched and lost friends and family and then had to live with the cleanup. When I asked John how long his cafe was close he told me 2 1/2 years. He told me that was a good question. I asked him what people usually asked me and about fell over when he said "who did it?" He was lucky and hasn't had some of the health problems that so many have. It was really moving talking to him and he took the time to share with me the pictures and he said that his cafe had been better before. The food was wonderful and I couldnt' believe the prices so reasonable. If you ever get a chance to go to Ground Zero do it and REMEMBER!!!
Hi Everyone,
A year ago today mom and dad were in New York City and mom got to ride the subway down to Ground Zero. She wrote a story in the magazine she writes for about it. It's pretty long and has some really cool pictures with it. She was going to try to print it here but couldn't copy it from the magazine. If you would like to go and read it you can go to
http://www.tenfourmagazine.com/ then click on Archived Articles then click on Regular Columns and then click on Trucker Talk. It was her Oct. 2009 story. Actually everything she has written is there. When she was there last year it was the first time she had been there since the towers fell. It will always be a very sad anniversary in our countrys history! But she was fortunate enough to be able to talk to a few of the people that live there and were there the day it happened. Mom found New York City to be totally different from what she thought it would be. Especially the people. When mom asked a florist what she thought had changed there since 911 mom thought the woman summed it up perfectly. "People here used to take everything for granted and now they don't anymore". Mom is going to post a few pictures she took on that trip here in case you don't want to go to the website. Mom told me about all the trucks that flew flags from their mirrors after that happened and she had a friend take a picture of a flag hanging on the George Washington bridge coming out of NYC. To bad as time went on people stopped. Our flag flies at home everyday! Mom says you should do something nice every day because you never know what might happen! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H
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