Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mom Canned Tomatos Tonight!`

Hi Everyone,Well mom was busy today and we get to go with her when she runs errands now that it's not so hot out:)
Yes, mom I know my tail and butt are cute!
Mrs. Beasley just relaxing!
I'm not getting up mom!
Mom still cans tomatos the old fashioned way and isn't going to change!
Twelve quarts and 8 pints. Good job mom! Now dad can make more chili!
Mom got some tomatos and canned them. She went to a couple of garage sales and got some glass shelves she wanted for the downstairs bathroom. Tomorrow we get to go out in the timber and pick up all the branches and sticks the wind we've had the last couple of days blew down. We will have a firepit full again! Then mom turns into a fire bug and burns. She tells me that she has to, there is only so much room in the firepit! @The Firedogs, mom is very safe when she burns! Abby!!!! Here mom is taking pictures of my tail again! What is it with our moms and our tails??? She said my little "duck tail" is growing out and I need a trim! My nose is getting a little long and I have to look thru hair! That is supposed to be on the agenda for tomorrow too! It's supposed to be really nice here the next couple of days and I'm looking forward to getting outside! Everyone go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)

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