Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Thursday, October 27, 2011

THANK YOU Auntie Angie!

Hi Everyone,
Our yard was a mess since the neighbor picked corn and it was so windy that day! We were sending smoke signals to all our friends, telling them to come and help us with our mom:)
Good thing we have such a big firepit!
As you can see my Auntie Angie helped mom out in making a post from my dear sis Abby and added the two newest bloggers in our network! Welcome Hershey & The Florida 4!!! I have been so upset with my moms total lack of updating and she is dangerously close to open water again today. Trying right now to keep herself out of that water since it's getting cold out:) She has some pictures and I have to tell the Firedogs right off that mom started her grass/leaves/cornhusks burning as it was starting to rain so it was well under control. She has a new lawn sweeper and it works really well, the only problem being we don't get to be outside when she was using it! Today was pretty uneventful, mom ran errands and can you believe she left us home!!!! She told me it was because she was meeting a friend and she knew that I would be a bad boy, can you believe that??? Well anyway mom is telling us that she wants to dress us up for Halloween! Abby you had to look so GREAT!!! We will see what happens with that. Maybe she will get busy again and forget to do that? You all keep putting your best paw forward and I will keep after my mother to properly update my blog! Mr. H:)

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