Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

My bully stick!

One of our new heart toys!

Thanks for the new toys mom!

Mrs. B you are Puppy Luv:)

I know mom and dad love me!

I've got it now!

Tug of War!

I won!

A bully stick yum mom!

Reminds me of being in PA with Gma Mary Gpa Philip and the Mob! Sending you all love today! Mrs. Beasley!

Mom says I look really good in pink!

Mom didn't get me a new bandana. She said she will take care of that later! It's ok mom!

Mom said she had to get a picture of me with a heart on for today! Really it would have been ok mom.

Hi Everyone,
I am very happy to report that I am back in moms good graces and haven't been naughty! I do know how to work her. She tells everyone that she is trained and I am kinda trained. Suits me just fine that way! Mom says today is all about love and Mrs. B and I both know how much mom and dad love us and mom and dad know that we love them just as much! We did really well for Valentines Day. Yesterday mom got us each a bully stick and they are both almost gone. We got our new heart shaped toys and have been having fun with those. Cottage cheese and eggs for breakfast you can't beat that to start your day! It's warmer here and all our snow is melting. When we go outside we sink in the drifts we could walk on when it was colder. But mom says that when the snow is all gone we will be able to play in the timber and it will be more fun and no so darn cold! We hope that all of you are with the ones you love today and have a great day! Tonight we get to go to Seppi's house for supper and we will get to play. Mom will take pictures. Go out there and put your best paw forward and doggie kiss and hug the people you love!! Mr. H:)

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