Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Monday, May 16, 2011

Can You Believe It?

Our new squeaky toy:)

Mom really didn't cut off Mrs. B's head she's going for the ball!

Mom just can't figure out why with all out toys we both want to play with the same one!

Like a good lawman always gets his man we are great doggies and we always get our ball!

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe that mom is being good and updating my blog 2 days in a row!!! Miracle of miracles:) We are waiting at the job site for dad to get unloaded and mom got the dually all cleaned up last night and everything put back where it's supposed to go. This morning she brought all our balls and bones back out to the dually and we got to play a little bit this morning. We don't know what we are doing after we get this unloaded but whatever we don't really care so long as we have food, water, a cool place when it's hot, a warm place when it's cold and mom to take up potty, balls to play with and dog life is great!! Hope you all get to play today and it's nice where you are! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)

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