Hi Everyone,
Can you believe that my mom was holding another dog in front of me? She was telling him how cute she thought he was and there I was standing on the seat in our truck and telling her how much I did NOT like that! She is MY mom and that is NOT acceptable behavior from her!!!! Then to add insult to injury dad is holding him and mom is taking their picture can you believe it??? What were they thinking?? Dad says that next haircut I get another mohawk and he wants mom to grow me a goatee like Charlie has. Dad thought it was just as cute as mom did! I have to give mom a big puppy paw on the behind to update my blog!! The only good thing about the whole deal is that the weather is warm and nice out! Well enjoy this update and mom is promising to update again later today and boy she better or am I ever going to get after her! Abby CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!! You and your mom look GREAT! And be thankful that your mom knows her place!!! LOL Put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Not to worry Mr. H. I had to give mom the paw bap on the head to get moving on this royal wedding thing. I heard the ideas and they do sound good. She needs to put her photo software in and make it real!! So I'm working on her to have it done before she goes to bed tonight.....that is a guarentee!! We need to keep our mom's moving at all times!! By the way, the goatee thing, i'm not so sure about that. That will definately make you look mean and nasty!!
The goatee is dad's idea it's all about the boy thing with him! Mom is the one who grooms me and she will probably forget and take care of that:) LOL Mr. H
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