Hi Everyone,
It's been a busy day today and we are loving the cooler weather, we get to go with mom when she is running errands:) Tonight she was trying to post comments and can't post them on The Firedogs, or on Hershey's blogs:( It says something about a cookie not doing something! I have no idea what that means but I sure hope she figures it out! I want to be able to post on both! They have some GREAT new pictures on them!! That reminds me mom!! Abby I will be getting out the pawphone and begging for your help! Mom told me that you are getting too much rain again. You all be safe out that way!!!!! Mom dumped 2" of rain out of our rain gauge this morning! Aunt Angie maybe you should get a shorter rain gauge, just because you have one that is a foot doesn't mean you have to fill it up again!!! I am very proud to see all the best paws going forward! Keep up the great work! Mr. H:)
Mr. H Reports from the Road
This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)
Mr. H
Mr. H

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
My New Friend Eli!
Hi Everyone,
Mom has to watch her time on line, she is really close to going over her minutes for the computer! One more day she tells me and then we will be good to go again! The other day, I met a new friend, his name is Eli, and we hit it off right away! Of course I had to bark when he came in, but that didn't last very long. He was playing with me and after getting right down to my level with the ball in the office, we went outside and played ball in the timber! I can't wait till he can come over and play again! Did you all see the blue ribbon that Aunt Angie won for her picture of Abby? Way to go! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
I can't wait till Eli can come and play again:) |
We had fun! Another boy:) |
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's A Good Morning~
Hi Everyone,
Can you believe that mom made us cottage cheese and eggs, and is updating my blog? A happy day!!! It's cooling off outside and we are liking that. Mom is crazy busy and we aren't getting to play ball as much as we would like to! I am having a few words with mom about that problem! One thing at a time. Abby I haven't seen too many blogs from you either. Mom told me not to worry that your mom is crazy busy too and this weekend after the fair is over that she should be better about keeping up with your blog too. If not give me a call on the pawphone and we'll talk it over just how we should proceed with our moms! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Thanks Boomer~ Seeing your birthday egg & cottage cheese motivated our mom. We owe you one:) Hope you had a great birthday! |
Could you hurry it up a little mom? Look at the tail action on Mrs. B:) |
As Aunt Angie would say, YUMMOS!!!!! |
At least mom isn't taking a picture of my butt this morning! |
Isn't this what good doggies are supposed to do after a proper breakfast? |
It was a good breakfast mom, now for a nap in one of my favorite spots:) |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Birthday Hats!
Hi Everyone,
Can you believe that our mom FINALLY got us birthday hats and for the record, we do not like them. The doggie treats on the other hand we do like:) Mom talked to Gpa Philip yesterday and he said, he got lots of birthday cards and they had pictures of the dogs in them, so he knew who the people were. He sounded really happy about getting all the cards. We all need to keep them coming to him with pictures of all us kids! Mom says it's always nice to get something other than bills and junk in the mail! Mom says we need to work on the Firedog pose! Boy do you guys make us look bad and Abby you do the same thing. Sitting there so pretty! OK, more treats and we promise to work on it! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
I don't like this mom! |
You can't make me wear this thing! |
We will work on perfecting the Firedoy pose! |
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Abby Took Home A Blue Ribbon!
Hi Everyone,
Aunt Angie went to the fair today and is almost sold out of doggie treats and a picture she took of Miss Abby Dabby Do wrapped in the American Flag is taking home a Blue Ribbon! We all know that Abby and Aunt Angie deserve all kinds of Blue Ribbons, they are the BEST!!!!!! Congratulations to the A Team!! To everyone else go out there and put your best paw forward! A VERY PROUD Mr. H:)
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That's my sis!! You should be able to feel how PROUD I am of her! |
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Gpa Philip's birthday is on Monday Sept. 19th`
Hi Everyone,
Just a message to let everyone know that Gpa Philp's birthday is on Monday! If you want to send a card and need the address its:
Philip Breidenstein
469 Jemison Road
Westfield, PA 16950
We hope he gets lots of cards! LOL Mr. H & Mrs. Beasley
Just a message to let everyone know that Gpa Philp's birthday is on Monday! If you want to send a card and need the address its:
Philip Breidenstein
469 Jemison Road
Westfield, PA 16950
We hope he gets lots of cards! LOL Mr. H & Mrs. Beasley
It's Getting Cooler Outside:)
Hi Everyone,
It was really nice out today! It's cooling off and that makes us really happy and mom keeps saying that she's not ready for winter! She trimmed one of the bushes in the circle today and is filling the firepit again. Mom says she's going to enjoy some tv tonight, but she promised me to update my blog first! Abby I see that your blog hasn't been updated for a couple of days now. Are you needing the HB Patrol at your house? We would be very happy to come out your way!! Have a wonderful night! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:) PS We see that Aunt Jodi got a new camera, so that means there should be lots more Boomer pictures on facebook, and if not we'd love to see Boomie again too:)
Abby Dabby Do did good! |
We got to play ball when mom was working outside today! |
Another bud on Gma Mary's rosebush! |
Moms Clamadus is going to be blooming soon! A few blossoms are out but it should be spectacular soon! |
It was really nice out today! It's cooling off and that makes us really happy and mom keeps saying that she's not ready for winter! She trimmed one of the bushes in the circle today and is filling the firepit again. Mom says she's going to enjoy some tv tonight, but she promised me to update my blog first! Abby I see that your blog hasn't been updated for a couple of days now. Are you needing the HB Patrol at your house? We would be very happy to come out your way!! Have a wonderful night! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:) PS We see that Aunt Jodi got a new camera, so that means there should be lots more Boomer pictures on facebook, and if not we'd love to see Boomie again too:)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mom Had A Perfect Birthday~
Hi Everyone,
Well would you look at this, mom has updated my blog 3 times today! That's more like it!!! It is mom's birthday today and we woke her up with puppy kisses and love! I believe that it's our job to do that for our moms and dads every day:) Then mom showed me all the birthday messages she got on facebook and she got phone calls and we had a wonderful drive home, except for the traffic backup because of a wreck. This morning she got a picture of Abby with her birthday hat on and tonight she got to see the picture of The Firedogs in their birthday hats! When we got home there were flowers on the doorstep and mom was all excited about that! We had to stay home while she went out for supper with Seppi's mom and dad, today was their 15th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary John & Ursula:) When they brought mom home there were more flowers on the doorstep from the A Team and when mom called Aunt Angie to thank her, Aunt Angie told her that Abby had been in her wallet and got her credit card and went on line and ordered flowers! Beautiful yellow roses! I have been pretty good today and we did get some doggie treats! Speaking of doggie treats Abby you want to get in my moms wallet and order us some doggie treats from your bakery!! We love the Banana Blueberry Biscotti's mom!!!! It was a perfect day weather wise too and then an almost full moon started coming up on the way home from supper. The only way it could have been better would have been if dad was home, he should be here by the weekend! I hope that all of you had a wonderful day too and go out there and as always put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Thank you for the beautiful roses Abby! You are a great shopper:) |
Thank you to the most handsome Firedogs!!! |
I told mom she better put a picture of us on here!!! |
Ok we are in the background, but come on! |
Thank you Angie, they are beautiful!! |
They look really nice together! |
Thank you Nikki:) |
I am so proud of my sis! You have to teach me that wallet trick! |
Just pretty:) |
Thank you Mikie, you are an inspiration to so many! |
Breaking News!!!!
Hi Everyone,
Hershey now has her own blog too!!! Her mom Madeline raised her hand in class thinking she was going to tell how she read blogs, but instead she got to start one! I will have a link to her blog on mine as soon as Aunt Angie can help mom with that hopefully tonight!!! I know that Gma Mary is so PROUD of all he babies that are blogging and our followers! This is GREAT. Welcome to blogdom Hershey and I can't wait for your mom to share your stories and pictures!
Hershey now has her own blog too!!! Her mom Madeline raised her hand in class thinking she was going to tell how she read blogs, but instead she got to start one! I will have a link to her blog on mine as soon as Aunt Angie can help mom with that hopefully tonight!!! I know that Gma Mary is so PROUD of all he babies that are blogging and our followers! This is GREAT. Welcome to blogdom Hershey and I can't wait for your mom to share your stories and pictures!
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You know she is going to grow up beautiful! |
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Madeline one VERY happy mom! |
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Is that attitude or what I LOVE it! |
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Ok mom they get the idea!!! A girl has to help you know! |
Meet Timber!
Hi Everyone,
Boy did mom ever go gaga this morning!! She thinks this little guy is just the cutest!! Hello MOM remember when I was so little and cute!! She is telling me that I am still "the little man" in her life and she just loves all the other babies! I'm telling her that had better be the case! But I really wouldn't mind playing with the little guy, he is cute and the markings on his face are really cool! I could teach him lots of things and mom tells me I am NOT going to get the chance to teach him my naughty ways!! Spoil all my fun! Welcome to the SBG Family. This really made mom wake up there are some more family updates that mom has to catch up with. I realize she has been really busy with a lot of things lately, but she HAS to catch up with this or I'm going to nip her butt right after I paw slap her! And if we could have been with dad on Sunday Abby could have been a big help with that! Go out there and always put your best paw forward little guy! Mr. H:)
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Timber Leibold:) |
Monday, September 12, 2011
Gma Mary!
Hi Everyone,
This morning mom talked to Nanny Janice and she put it all together! Aunt Angie told mom that it was Gma Mary buzzing around. It was when Nanny Janice told mom that my litter name had been Bumble and Mrs. B was Bee, so how much more appropriate to come and check on her babies as a Bumble Bee?
Gma Mary we love you, we miss you and thank you for visiting us! Mr. H & Mrs. Beasley:)
This morning mom talked to Nanny Janice and she put it all together! Aunt Angie told mom that it was Gma Mary buzzing around. It was when Nanny Janice told mom that my litter name had been Bumble and Mrs. B was Bee, so how much more appropriate to come and check on her babies as a Bumble Bee?
Gma Mary we love you, we miss you and thank you for visiting us! Mr. H & Mrs. Beasley:)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remembering 911
Hi Everyone,
Mom told me about the awful day this was 10 years ago. Today when we got into Minnesota there were people on the bridges outside of Minneapolis and they had flags and were waving at people as we went under the bridge. Mom wished she would have had the big truck so she could have blown the air horns! Mom got to go to Ground Zero 2 years ago and says that if anyone hasn't been there and can go one day it's really worth the trip. Tonight we are putting our puppy heads in our paws and praying for all those lost that day. Mr. H
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Just Remember! |
What A Day!!
Hi Everyone,
What a day! This morning Gma Mary was enjoying the bloom or her rose bush! And DAD got to see ABBY! What is wrong with this picture. And here we are in Minnesota, fighting mosquitos!!!!! They are terrible tonight! It was 90 degrees when we crossed into Minnesota! Here it is September and mom is;s telling us it's going to cool off. I remember last year when she said that and we went to Pueblo, CO 3 times and it was in the 90's. Well it's almost time to leave so all of you go out and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:) I will have new pictures tomorrow!
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Gma Mary was enjoying her rose bloom this morning and after mom took the picture she was gone! |
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Yes, I told mom how totally unacceptable this is!! DAD is having a visit with Abby & Aunt Angie and we are NOT there!! MOM!!! |
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Our Moms!
Hi Everyone,
You should have seen our moms tonight (Aunt Angie and our mom). They were skyping and they would have us hop up in their lap and talk to us mom talking to Abby and Aunt Angie talking to us. Doing all of this while we were trying to play ball! And then they would tease us mom saying "nummy, nummy, nummy" At least we did get a couple of nummies! Then all of a sudden mom and Aunt Angie were laughing so hard when Aunt Angie's freezer door flew open and things started flying out. She told mom that there were a lot of doggie treats in there! Boy I sure do wish we had been at her house!!! Our moms are just silly sometimes but we all know for sure that they both love us with all their mommy hearts! Go out there and put your best paw forward! We will see what they do tomorrow:) Mr. H:)
You should have seen our moms tonight (Aunt Angie and our mom). They were skyping and they would have us hop up in their lap and talk to us mom talking to Abby and Aunt Angie talking to us. Doing all of this while we were trying to play ball! And then they would tease us mom saying "nummy, nummy, nummy" At least we did get a couple of nummies! Then all of a sudden mom and Aunt Angie were laughing so hard when Aunt Angie's freezer door flew open and things started flying out. She told mom that there were a lot of doggie treats in there! Boy I sure do wish we had been at her house!!! Our moms are just silly sometimes but we all know for sure that they both love us with all their mommy hearts! Go out there and put your best paw forward! We will see what they do tomorrow:) Mr. H:)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
We Had Wind, Mom Picked Up Sticks And Then We Had Fire!
Hi Everyone,
Mom is behind again! We had wind at home a few days ago and mom let us stay outside when she was raking and picking up all the sticks! It was great we just got to wander around, but mom didn't take pictures because she was working:( We had the firepit FULL! And it was all really dry so it burned really good! We didn't get to be outside when mom burned! The weather has been beautiful and is supposed to be that way for the next few days! Mom had better get on the stick about updating my blog or she will be in the doghouse with Abby's dad!!! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
We have fire! |
Don't worry we don't need the firedogs! Mom is safe when she burns! But if they wanted to come and visit that would be GREAT! |
We have sticks! |
We had wind! |
Do you think if mom was updating the blog more often she could get the pictures in the right order? |
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Hi Everyone,
We want to wish Aunt Jodi a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we promise not to tell her age! We hope that you get to do something fun with Boomer! And Boomer if you would please give you mom some doggie kisses and hugs from us! LOL (LOTS OF LOVE) Mr. H & Mrs. B
Do something fun today! Playing ball is fun:) |
Planting A Yellow Rose Bush For Gma Mary!
Hi Everyone,
Yesterday mom went to town and she got the rosebush she got only had one rose on it but it looked healthy and has more buds on it! Mom told me that us doing this has inspired others to do the same and there will be yellow roses in many states in honor of Gma Mary. I want to tell you all that this makes me very happy! It makes Mrs. B just as happy! Thank you to everyone doing this and you will HAVE to share pictures of your roses or you know the consequences, the HB Patrol will be alerted! It's only fair to give you a warning:) We really aren't that dangerous and can easily be bribed with treats. Just a note our very favorites are Aunt Angies Blueberry, Banana biscotti!! Those are just the BEST!! We hope that everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend! Mom tells us that summer is coming to an end and to tell you the truth we are looking forward to the snow! We LOVE playing in the snow and the heat was so bad this year that we are happy to see it go. Mom on the other hand is dreading winter! Oh well, it's the way it goes ya know:) Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
The kids are happy to be outside! |
Just one single beautiful rose! |
Take a good look at that silly Mr. H! He has his eyes closed! That boy does make me laugh:) |
I'm sure that Gma Mary is smiling watching her sweet little B playing ball! |
Still playing ball! |
The waterdrops after I watered it! |
Just a ball and to be outside and their world is happy! |
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