Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Getting After Mom!

Mom fixed the picture I can talk!

It's my ball, no it's mine!

I'll get it next time you little stinker!

Our beautiful boy!

I love playing in the snow!

Pawprints in the snow!

Let's take a break!

Mom and dad say I am soooooo sweet!

I am so sweet and I am so tired!

Hi Everyone,
Mom has been slacking in keeping my blog updated and I've let her slide because she was working on an important project for dad but now that she's done I've told her that she has to get on the ball and keep my blog updated! I would do it myself but my paws don't work so well on the keys! We really like the colder weather and the snow is fun! Mom has a pretty tree up in the living room and is very happy that Mrs. B & I have been very good little doggies and not bothered it at all. We are in Hartford, CT and there isn't any snow here, but we will only be here today and then head back home and mom says that it's supposed to snow some more back home. Dad is really loving Mrs. B we all have our places in the truck and she has dad pretty well trained to throw the ball for us. We did get in trouble the other day when we got in the garbage but it wasn't too bad. Mom says that is off limits and now takes it out if there is anything in there she thinks we will like. She told me that she will just take away the temptation. Mom is telling us that Santa will be coming to our house on Friday night because we've been such good babies! I don't know what that means yet but I hope it's something to do with getting dog treats and toys! I hope you all have a really nice day and be safe this holiday weekend! Go out there and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)

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