Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back Home to PA for a visit:)

Hi Everyone, Mom is sorry it has taken her so long to get my blog updated with this important information! Monday we left dad at the George Washington Bridge and drove back to Westfield to see gma Mary, gpa Philip and all the SBG Mob! And mom had the pleasure of getting to meet Nanny Janice and Lloyd! We got there on Monday night and had a nice visit. It was like I hadn't even left. I got to play and go in and out the doggie door. Only difference was that I got to sleep with mom. We got up in the morning and gma clipped off all my curls and now mom says I've went from her baby to her handsome young man! Gma Mary made chicken and homemade noodles! I got to eat my favorite eggs and cottage cheese with everyone else in the morning. Mom kept commenting on how much I was eating (kibble form here and there) I usually don't do that at home but she should know that everything tastes better at grandma's house! Gpa Philip made mom a cocker spaniel cutting board that she will only display! And we got to walk up in the timber and take home some bleeding hearts and ground cover (mom can't remember the names) and a couple of twigs off a black birch tree. It smells like root beer and mom had never heard of it before. But when we got home she got some special tree and shrub dirt and got them planted and hopes that they will grow. We had to leave on Tuesday afternoon to get home to get things we needed to get done. It is sad to leave there! Mom hopes that the next time that we visit that dad can come with us! I wasn't much help on the way home because after all the play I got to sleep! I was happy to get home to my own timber and go out and play ball with mom and run and chase all the birds away! Mom went out and mowed and all of her ferns and flowers are up and the lilacs are blooming and we cut some and put them on the table and they smell really good! Mom and I want to thank gma and gpa for such a nice visit and she wishes we were closer and I could see Nanny Janice more often too. She told me that she is really proud of me! Take care and I hope you enjoy mom's pictures she took a lot! Till next time go out there and put your best paw forward:) Mr. H PS To all those adorable little boys I hope you find homes soon but it sure was fun for mom to see them and me to get to play with them!

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