Hi Everyone, Today mom and I got to go and visit Grandma Catherine and Aunt Germaine. The girls got to go and have fish it is Friday! We went back home and we all got to have ice cream. I am happy to be the center of attention. They both think that I have really grown since the last time they got to see me and they think that I am both very cute and very smart. I did have a problem on the way up to visit though I saw these giant windmills and had to bark at them. We saw them on the way home and I barked at them again until mom could finally convince me that they are alright. Mom wishes that I could really talk and tell her why I do some of the things that I do. I have talked to dad several times he always askes to talk to me when he calls mom. It's pretty funny mom says. I let her hold the phone to my ear and listen and then I will lick the phone and look around for dad. I can hear him but where is he? He should be home on Sunday and we miss him as much as he misses us. Tonight we are going to stay in we have severe weather going on. I hope that you all had a good day and the weather is nicer where you are. Take care and go out and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Mr. H Reports from the Road
This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)
Mr. H
Mr. H

Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Back Home to PA for a visit:)
Hi Everyone, Mom is sorry it has taken her so long to get my blog updated with this important information! Monday we left dad at the George Washington Bridge and drove back to Westfield to see gma Mary, gpa Philip and all the SBG Mob! And mom had the pleasure of getting to meet Nanny Janice and Lloyd! We got there on Monday night and had a nice visit. It was like I hadn't even left. I got to play and go in and out the doggie door. Only difference was that I got to sleep with mom. We got up in the morning and gma clipped off all my curls and now mom says I've went from her baby to her handsome young man! Gma Mary made chicken and homemade noodles! I got to eat my favorite eggs and cottage cheese with everyone else in the morning. Mom kept commenting on how much I was eating (kibble form here and there) I usually don't do that at home but she should know that everything tastes better at grandma's house! Gpa Philip made mom a cocker spaniel cutting board that she will only display! And we got to walk up in the timber and take home some bleeding hearts and ground cover (mom can't remember the names) and a couple of twigs off a black birch tree. It smells like root beer and mom had never heard of it before. But when we got home she got some special tree and shrub dirt and got them planted and hopes that they will grow. We had to leave on Tuesday afternoon to get home to get things we needed to get done. It is sad to leave there! Mom hopes that the next time that we visit that dad can come with us! I wasn't much help on the way home because after all the play I got to sleep! I was happy to get home to my own timber and go out and play ball with mom and run and chase all the birds away! Mom went out and mowed and all of her ferns and flowers are up and the lilacs are blooming and we cut some and put them on the table and they smell really good! Mom and I want to thank gma and gpa for such a nice visit and she wishes we were closer and I could see Nanny Janice more often too. She told me that she is really proud of me! Take care and I hope you enjoy mom's pictures she took a lot! Till next time go out there and put your best paw forward:) Mr. H PS To all those adorable little boys I hope you find homes soon but it sure was fun for mom to see them and me to get to play with them!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Back to Ohio!
Hi Everyone,
Well we got unloaded out in Huntington Station, NY yesterday and here we are back in OH trading trailers with another driver and we'll be on our way back to Long Island. Mom got some pictures yesterday when dad was driving and we had the dually up on the trailer. She is going to share them. They are along I278 and it shows Long Island looking at New York. Last September mom and dad delivered 2 generators to the United Nations Building and mom took pictures of Long Island from there. It was pretty cool and everything is nice and green and it smells good. Dad rolled down the window and I had my nose working! When we got back to PA we took I-78 across to I-81 and the hillsides reminded mom of her friend Bette Garber who was a dear friend that passed away in Nov. of 2008. Bette was a photo journalist and all she took pictures of and wrote her stories about were trucks and truckers. Bette LOVED her dogs and she was always happy when she went with mom that her cocker spaniel Lizzie was there and then later Lizzie and Starbuck were along it made her miss her dogs less. Mom tells me that Bette would have loved me too! She was really missing her dear friend yesterday. Me I was thinking about the wonderful home at SBG and how lucky I was to be born there! At least the weather is nice and it's not supposed to rain for a few days they say. I got to play ball for a little while at the truck stop today in between finding things to put in my mouth. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day too! Take care and remember to always put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hello from the George Washington Bridge
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note tonight. We are sitting along a street that they use to stage oversize loads to cross the George Washington Bridge. We will be able to cross in a few hours and then we will unload out on Long Island in the morning! The weather has been a little better today it would have been better yet if the wind hadn't been blowing but it was better than the rain we had this weekend. I hope everyone is doing well and having a great day. To all my SBG friends, gma Mary, Gpa Philip and Nanny Janice I love you all and I am being a very good boy! Put your best paw forward till next time!!! Mr. H:)
Just a quick note tonight. We are sitting along a street that they use to stage oversize loads to cross the George Washington Bridge. We will be able to cross in a few hours and then we will unload out on Long Island in the morning! The weather has been a little better today it would have been better yet if the wind hadn't been blowing but it was better than the rain we had this weekend. I hope everyone is doing well and having a great day. To all my SBG friends, gma Mary, Gpa Philip and Nanny Janice I love you all and I am being a very good boy! Put your best paw forward till next time!!! Mr. H:)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Good Morning from New Jersey:)
Hi Everyone!
Sorry mom hasn't had time to update my blog this week. We got loaded on Tuesday morning and we can't just go the easy way when dad's load is almost 15' wide. We only got to Pittsboro, IN on Tuesday night. Then we had quite a day on Wed. you wouldn't believe some of the narrow little roads that were the route on dad's permit. This one road in PA the lead into MD was really bad. Mom was out in front trying to get people to get over and some people just don't get it. Looking at the flashing lights, oversize load sign and then seeing this big wide load! I was even standing up on the pillow mom put on top of the printer for me to sleep on and I was barking and trying to help mom tell these people to get over. I thought it was really nice that mom got a new pillow and put her old one in the dually for me. It is very comfortable. I like sleeping in the back. It makes me a little higher for looking out. Wed. night we spent in Accident, MD. What a funny name for a town! Then we had a few fun little roads in PA after that it was pretty easy on to South Plainfield NJ. We have to wait here until Monday night when dad can cross the George Washington bridge and we can go on into Long Island. We deliver on Tuesday morning and we had to wait to go on in because there isn't room for dad to park at the job site. We have half of an electical building. A friend has the other half. So we got to get a room and I really like that. While mom was working on her story for the trucking magazine she writes for every month Dad and I got to take several walks. It's rained off and on and it would've been a long weekend if we would have had to stay in the truck all weekend. So for me life is going along really well. Mom and dad keep telling me how much I am growing and I just get more handsome. Mom is sharing a picture of me at home in my timber and them some pics of me on duty helping her escort dad. I hope that you all have a GREAT day. Hi to all my SBG family mom showed me the pic of Tuna getting a new home and dad said that he thought Tuna looks a lot like me. It looks like he has very nice people and I hope the come back for Reef. Some day mom and dad would like to get me a buddy too. That will have to wait for awhile but they hope it happens one day. I'm glad gma Mary and Nanny Janice had such a great girls day out they really deserve it. Gpa Philip you are the best for taking care of everything at home to let them have these days. I have to say that I am one lucky little boy to have been born into such a loving family:):):) OK everone this one is pretty long mom will try to get back sooner next time. Take care and put your best paw forward!!! Mr. H:)
Sorry mom hasn't had time to update my blog this week. We got loaded on Tuesday morning and we can't just go the easy way when dad's load is almost 15' wide. We only got to Pittsboro, IN on Tuesday night. Then we had quite a day on Wed. you wouldn't believe some of the narrow little roads that were the route on dad's permit. This one road in PA the lead into MD was really bad. Mom was out in front trying to get people to get over and some people just don't get it. Looking at the flashing lights, oversize load sign and then seeing this big wide load! I was even standing up on the pillow mom put on top of the printer for me to sleep on and I was barking and trying to help mom tell these people to get over. I thought it was really nice that mom got a new pillow and put her old one in the dually for me. It is very comfortable. I like sleeping in the back. It makes me a little higher for looking out. Wed. night we spent in Accident, MD. What a funny name for a town! Then we had a few fun little roads in PA after that it was pretty easy on to South Plainfield NJ. We have to wait here until Monday night when dad can cross the George Washington bridge and we can go on into Long Island. We deliver on Tuesday morning and we had to wait to go on in because there isn't room for dad to park at the job site. We have half of an electical building. A friend has the other half. So we got to get a room and I really like that. While mom was working on her story for the trucking magazine she writes for every month Dad and I got to take several walks. It's rained off and on and it would've been a long weekend if we would have had to stay in the truck all weekend. So for me life is going along really well. Mom and dad keep telling me how much I am growing and I just get more handsome. Mom is sharing a picture of me at home in my timber and them some pics of me on duty helping her escort dad. I hope that you all have a GREAT day. Hi to all my SBG family mom showed me the pic of Tuna getting a new home and dad said that he thought Tuna looks a lot like me. It looks like he has very nice people and I hope the come back for Reef. Some day mom and dad would like to get me a buddy too. That will have to wait for awhile but they hope it happens one day. I'm glad gma Mary and Nanny Janice had such a great girls day out they really deserve it. Gpa Philip you are the best for taking care of everything at home to let them have these days. I have to say that I am one lucky little boy to have been born into such a loving family:):):) OK everone this one is pretty long mom will try to get back sooner next time. Take care and put your best paw forward!!! Mr. H:)
Monday, April 12, 2010
On the Road Again
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note tonight. Tomorrow dad is loading a big load going to Long Island, NY. It should be fun to get back out on the road again. I bet I will get to ride with dad some days. Mom doesn't have a choice when he wants me to ride with him. Mom almost has everything ready to go. We have everything at home pretty well done outside. I got to help mom with the mulching ( I chewed a few sticks) and then we picked up sticks in the timber this afternoon before dad mowed and he almost got done before it started raining. It's looking pretty good around here. I think I will miss running in the timber nearly every day. But mom says we will take walks at night if it's not raining. I think the rain bothers them more than it does me I like to get wet! Time to go to bed it's going to be an early morning! Hi to the SBG gang, gma Mary and gpa Philip and Nanny Janice I will come and see you all when mom can work it out to get back there! I love you all:) Put your best paw forward and have a GREAT day! Mr. H
Just a quick note tonight. Tomorrow dad is loading a big load going to Long Island, NY. It should be fun to get back out on the road again. I bet I will get to ride with dad some days. Mom doesn't have a choice when he wants me to ride with him. Mom almost has everything ready to go. We have everything at home pretty well done outside. I got to help mom with the mulching ( I chewed a few sticks) and then we picked up sticks in the timber this afternoon before dad mowed and he almost got done before it started raining. It's looking pretty good around here. I think I will miss running in the timber nearly every day. But mom says we will take walks at night if it's not raining. I think the rain bothers them more than it does me I like to get wet! Time to go to bed it's going to be an early morning! Hi to the SBG gang, gma Mary and gpa Philip and Nanny Janice I will come and see you all when mom can work it out to get back there! I love you all:) Put your best paw forward and have a GREAT day! Mr. H
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hi Everyone!
Well mom was supposed to keep me quiet for a couple of days after my surgery. That hasn't worked out so well but she is happy to report that I am full of energy, my incision is healing nicely and the only problem I had was being really hungry when I got home from the vet! I'm working on training mom on taking me outside when I go to the door and it's not always to go potty. Sometimes I just want to go out and play and since I'm too short to open the door myself I've found this is the only way to go! Mom is getting just a little frustated because it has cooled off a lot the last couple days, but it should be better tomorrow and start warming up! We have gotten over 4" of rain the last few days but everything was pretty dry so we really needed the rain. I don't mind going out in the rain as much as mom, personally I think that getting wet is fun! I hope everyone is doing well this spring and it's warm and sunny where you are. Hi to all my SBG cocker friends and puppies I hope that you all find good new homes soon! Take care and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Well mom was supposed to keep me quiet for a couple of days after my surgery. That hasn't worked out so well but she is happy to report that I am full of energy, my incision is healing nicely and the only problem I had was being really hungry when I got home from the vet! I'm working on training mom on taking me outside when I go to the door and it's not always to go potty. Sometimes I just want to go out and play and since I'm too short to open the door myself I've found this is the only way to go! Mom is getting just a little frustated because it has cooled off a lot the last couple days, but it should be better tomorrow and start warming up! We have gotten over 4" of rain the last few days but everything was pretty dry so we really needed the rain. I don't mind going out in the rain as much as mom, personally I think that getting wet is fun! I hope everyone is doing well this spring and it's warm and sunny where you are. Hi to all my SBG cocker friends and puppies I hope that you all find good new homes soon! Take care and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Lots of News:)

Hi Everyone!
Mom has been busy and it has been a few days since she has gotten on the computer she's sorry about that! Well to get you all updated! Last Friday I went to Doggie Daycare at the The Dog Den and I had a GREAT time!! Mom didn't get any pictures. When she dropped me off I was off and visiting with my new dog friends. She left feeling a little like dropping off a 5 year old for the first day of school and not being missed even a little bit. Dad had her come and get me about 4:30 because he missed me! I got a report card for the day and it reads: Mr. H had an awesome 1st day :) He made lots of new friends, like Angus and Guinness! He sure has lots of energy, too cute! The Dog Den Staff. I was a pretty tired little doggie by the end of the day. When I got home I could almost fall asleep standing up! But I can't wait till I can go back again and mom says I will be able to play there again!
On Easter Sunday we got to go to our friends John and Ursula and I got to play with Seppi. We had a good time and ran around outside for awhile. Then mom and dad had dinner. I fell asleep using mom's feet as a pillow.
Yesterday we ran some errands and I got to go along! I love getting to go bye bye! Mom takes me in all the places that she can and people really like me and tell me how cute I am. I have this getting treats thing mastered and I am quite proud of myself for that.
Today I am at the vet's getting neutered. Gma Mary said it will keep me being such a sweet little boy and the vet told mom that I am a sweet little boy and that there are not many breeders like gma Mary and gpa Philip. So I will have to take it pretty easy the next couple of days but it won't be long and I will back in full force playing and just being cute.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter!:) It looks like the sbg cocker puppy gang had a good time out in the yard running and playing! I love you gma Mary, gpa Philip all the sbg cocker gang and my Nanny Janice! Take care and put your best paw forward! Mr. H:)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It's Like Summer Here

Hi Everyone,
It's pretty warm here at home! We got to go outside today and water all of mom's day lilies that are coming up. We hit a new record high here at home today and everything is pretty dry. It's supposed to rain tomorrow night and Saturday and everyone is hoping that it does. I really like all the time that we get to spend outside and mom keeps telling me what a good boy I am! Grandma Catherine sent me some blankets that she thought I might like and mom used them to put on my crate. They look really nice. We sent grandma a thank you card and a picture of me by my crate. I have to go in there sometimes when mom and dad leave and don't take me along but that isn't very often or for very long so I just take a nap and am my usual good little doggie:) I get to go to Doggie Daycare tomorrow. We have to be there really early since it will be my first day. I get to go to the same place that I went last Saturday for puppy playtime. If I'm a really lucky little doggie I will get to go to that again this Saturday too. And for Easter we get to go visit our friends John & Ursula and I get to play with Seppi:) I will update you on how that goes and hae mom get pictures of me and Seppi. I have all the tags I need now so we can go to the Dog Parks with Seppi some days. We have some really nice ones around home. Mom has went there with Ursula and Seppi before. I hope it's nice wherever you are. Hi to everyone back at SBG I love you gma Mary, gpa Philip and Nanny Janice!!! Put your best paw forward and have a GREAT night! Mr. H
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