Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Hi Everyone,
Ok mom that's a ball!
Yes we are looking at the ball you know what to do mom!
Mr. H:)
Come on mom!
Yes you are a sweet little peanut!
Stretch those doggie bones!
A kiss for my mom:)
Well FINALLY I got mom to update my blog!! We hope that all of you have a HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!!! Mom got us each a new bandana and then she teased us with a ball to get pictures!! Abby I will be calling you later today we have a LOT to discuss our mom's started the year off GREAT and it's been downhill ever since and it's come to the point we are going to have to do some VERY SERIOUS paw slapping!!! I have told my mom that she had better straighten up and she better do it pretty quick or she will be in some VERY DEEP DOGGIE DODO!! Abby I'm sure that you are with me on this one, I'm thinking our moms will be in it together! Pardon my venting but my mom is making me soooooooooooo mad! What is she thinking in not keeping up with what I need her to. I cut her slack to help with all the necessary paperwork and such that will keep us in doggie food, treats, toys........OK now I am going to get on with my day! Keep putting your best paw forward and I doggie hope you are keeping your moms and dads in line and I am open to any suggestions any of you can give me to help me with my mom! LOL Mr. H:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Mr H, our mom isn't very good at keeping our blog updated & she doesn't have 1/4 of the work your mom does. However your mom did a great job on your bandanas, they look good but then you both always look good. you both are so sweet!Lol The firedogs