Mr. H Reports from the Road

This is a blog that tells of my adventures of being on the road in a big truck. I'm pretty new at this but have adjusted very well! Enjoy the stories I have to tell from the road:)

Mr. H

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Want To Have A Word With Mom!

Hi Everyone,

I hear my mom keep talking about this little boy named Trucker now he will be Tucker:) You should hear how she carries on about him and I have seen her cry because she couldn't bring him home with us. Mom you know that I am here and how much I love you! 

I know H but there is something special about that little boy too and he talked to me with eyes just like you did when you were a wee little Bumble. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't got my hopes up to bring him home when we took the trip to Louisiana. I know that he is going to a good home and will have a great mommy and I'll get to see pictures of him as he grows up in his forever home. But I will always love and have a special place in my heart for this little guy!
Ok mom I hope you find us a slide pretty soon!
I do have to admit he is pretty handsome!
He likes to go byebye here he is with his brother Luke:)
Alright mom I can see why you love him! Do you know all the things I could have taught him?
OK mom you are mush and it looks like he is saying I Love You:)

Mr. H:)

1 comment:

Tiny treasures Grandma said...

So sorry Trucker did not get to go live with you Mr. H. I know he would have had a great life with you all and you could have taught him lots of things and maybe he could have taught you how to behave when your being groomed hehehe :) Maybe one day another little Trucker will come along but i know your mom will always have the first little trucker in her heart